Assemble Your Avengers

Posted 6 Jul '23

Assemble Your Avengers

I heard a phrase used recently by someone whose business was going through some staffing changes and their business partner said “don’t worry, it’s all part of the plan to assemble the Avengers”. Admittedly, I’ve never watched the Avengers movie (and probably never will!) but I knew the Avengers were a team of superheroes and the phrase “assemble the Avengers” was one that resonated with me.

In business, having the right people around you is so important. With the new financial year having just begun, now is the perfect time to plan for the future and assemble the team around you to help you achieve your goals. 

The first step of a plan forward is often to do the opposite, reflect. Think about the last 12 months. What went well? What not so well? What have you learnt from this?

What are your goals? These should be both short and long term goals. In 12 months time if you are reflecting back, what do you want to have achieved and how much closer do you want to be to achieving your long term goals?

Next, you should plan. What steps or series of steps do you need to take to be on track for reaching your goals? Set deadlines, create a budget and hold yourself accountable. 

Finally, identify the key people that you will need to help you achieve your goals. Focus on your strengths and embrace the strengths of the people around you. Be it your business partners, employees, family members or other professionals. Assemble your Avengers.  

Katy Day


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